It is the first ever programme to go live simultaneously on a private channel and national broadcaster Doordarshan. Besides, the show will be dubbed in four southern languages i.e Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada. While the producers of the show were high on showcasing the show in prime time considering Aamir Khan's popularity, Aamir thought it best to settle for 11 A.M Sunday slot the time slot which was once famous for shows like Mahabharata and Ramayana
Aamir Khan is beIng working on the concept of the show for three years.He described it as his one of the most ambitious project and due to his commitment to the show, his long awaited movie Talaash's release dates were postponed.As a part of the show Aamir has travelled across India and communicated with people
The studio portions of the show were shot in Vrundavan Studio and Yash Raj's Studio in Mumbai.
The teasers of the show were made public on YouTube on April 2, 2012.The makers of show has booked around 2,000 slots for the broadcaster’s promos in 27 hours for an amount of 6.25 crore (US$1.25 million). Reportedly this is the highest costing promotional campaign for any indian television show.
Aamir Khan is beIng working on the concept of the show for three years.He described it as his one of the most ambitious project and due to his commitment to the show, his long awaited movie Talaash's release dates were postponed.As a part of the show Aamir has travelled across India and communicated with people
The studio portions of the show were shot in Vrundavan Studio and Yash Raj's Studio in Mumbai.
ABOUT the sHow : The show is reported to be based on social issues relating to the common man rather than being fictional. Also, based on its content, it's sometimes referred as talk show..While talking about the show Khan mentioned that "The show is about meeting the common man of India, connecting with India and its people."
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