HatE sToRy ReviEw aNd HoT VidEos

Nowadays the ratIng of upcominG movie HatE sToRy is increasing at a very rapid rate ..
Kavvya Krishna (Paoli Dam) a BenGALI artist is a journalist who exposes a corruption scandal which implicates Siddharth Dhanrajgir (Gulshan Devaiah). To get back at Kavvya, Siddharth offers her a cushy job. Kavvya accepts the job and ends up sleeping with him. Siddharth then fires her. When Kavvya learns that she is pregnant with Siddharth’s child, she threatens him. Siddharth gets her kidnapped and makes sure that she can never conceive again.
Kavvya, who has now been ostracised by everyone decides to take revenge on Siddharth with her photographer-friend, Vicky (Nikhil Dwivedi), She trains to become the most famous prostitute of Delhi.
 She gets into bed with anybody who can help her destroy Siddharth’s company and his life. Vicky, who secretly loves Kavvya, lets her stay in his house but hates her for becoming a prostitute.


Hate Story Review: The Last Word

On the whole, Hate Story is a half-baked revenge drama which works in parts. While the explicit scenes and the second half are its plus points,

What’s Good: The explicit scenes; the drama in the second half; Gulshan Devaiah’s performance.

What’s Bad: The predictable screenplay; the absence of any high points in the drama; a few unintentionally funny scenes; the slow pace of the narrative



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