Kya Super Kool Hain Hum is an upcoming Bollywood comedy film directed by Sachin Yardi, and produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor. The film is a next part to the 2005 hit, Kyaa Kool Hai Hum and features Tusshar Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh reprising their roles from the previous film'kya kool hai hum'..
Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum is most-awaited sequel of the comic blockbuster ‘Kya Kool Hain Hum’. The story revolves around the friendship between the male leads and how circumstances lead them to venture on a mad road trip to Goa in search of Love. Once in Go The protagonists hilariously maneuver their way through tricky situations of mistaken identities and misunderstandings. The much-in-the-news sequel promises unparalleled fun & frolic, ensuring that the audience too, back-packs on this ‘Kool’ road-trip!!
- Tusshar Kapoor
- Ritesh Deshmukh
- Sarah Jane Dias
- Neha Sharma
- Chunky Pandey
- Anupam Kher
Nice Post dude doing Great Job, Keep it up........
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