From Last few dayS there is a conflict runnINg between HOnEy SINgh Vs JASSI jaSraj ..
As RePOrteD in news HoNey sinGh deMndeD moRe MONEY than hE coMMittEd dUe to his pOPuLArItY..
JASSI jaSRAj also said that honey singh uses abusive languages in his rappings"..
BuT its also a faCt ThaT somewheRe HONEY SINGH is much more respoNsible FOR TAKIng punJabi music AS WELL moViE industry to suCh A great heIghTS"..
heRe is the OfFicIAL VIdEO of JASSI JASrAJ'S new alBuM NaTIONAL vILLAGER suGGesteD agaiN froM iNternaTioNAl viLLager tHe BLOCK bUster ALBUm OF hoNeY siNgH"'
As RePOrteD in news HoNey sinGh deMndeD moRe MONEY than hE coMMittEd dUe to his pOPuLArItY..
JASSI jaSRAj also said that honey singh uses abusive languages in his rappings"..
BuT its also a faCt ThaT somewheRe HONEY SINGH is much more respoNsible FOR TAKIng punJabi music AS WELL moViE industry to suCh A great heIghTS"..
heRe is the OfFicIAL VIdEO of JASSI JASrAJ'S new alBuM NaTIONAL vILLAGER suGGesteD agaiN froM iNternaTioNAl viLLager tHe BLOCK bUster ALBUm OF hoNeY siNgH"'
MANy PEoPLE says" thaT jassi JAsRAJ does so as to popular his alBuM other wise iF he is sayInG honey sinGh uses abusive languages than wHy he do soNG LIKE "ChanDIgarH" with HoNeY siNgH??
ITS beCause oF honey sinGh that his last alBum GEtS gooD resuLtS ..
In THe END either honey siNgH USES ABUSIVE LANuAGE stIll ITS OnLy HIs SOnGs AND RAppInGs which were played oN channels like MTV ..
and its oNlY his rappings liKe 'MEIN APPE AA KAMAI MENU DADDY NE NEE DITi" ...
whO motivates YounSterZ THE moSt""
In THE ENd THE yOuTh will DECIDE WHo is better so peOPle do cOmmEnTS and share this pOST to MAXIMuM..
yOu CAN also FInd US oN facEbooK
honeY SiNgh
HonEy SInGh vS jaSSi JASra
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