RePly Of hONeY sIngH tO Jassi Jasraj

A conflict between HOnEy SINgh Vs JASSI jaSraj is rurring from some previous days ..As RePOrteD in news HoNey sinGh deMndeD moRe MONEY than hE coMMittEd dUe to his pOPuLArItY..
 And said no to add song "TezaB"in the album he does with jassi jasraj.. 
 JASSI jaSRAj also said  that honey singh uses abusive languages in his rappings"..
 BuT its also a faCt ThaT somewheRe HONEY SINGH is much more respoNsible FOR TAKIng PunJabi music AS WELL moViE industry to suCh A great heIghTS"..

SunnY leoNe'S HOtteST phOtO shOOt In INdIAN DRESS

Here is the HD walpapers of the HoT , the chaRminG the suPer SExY PoRn STAR suNNy LEONe who is gettinG poPUlar EVERY daY after her aRRival in BiG bOss AND now soon comiNg IN bollYwooD movies ..

HoTTeSt BaBEs WIth ULtIMatE leatHeR OUtFITs :D

here We are GoiNg 2 UPLoAd some super seXy hD walpapers oF stylish girls Wearing LEATHeR WARDROBES.. 

HonEy SInGh vS jaSSi JASraJ whO is BETTeR

From Last few dayS there is a conflict runnINg between HOnEy SINgh Vs JASSI jaSraj ..
As RePOrteD in news HoNey sinGh deMndeD moRe MONEY than hE coMMittEd dUe to his pOPuLArItY..
JASSI jaSRAj also said  that honey singh uses abusive languages in his rappings"..
BuT its also a faCt ThaT somewheRe HONEY SINGH is much more respoNsible FOR TAKIng punJabi music AS WELL moViE industry to suCh A great heIghTS"..